Nov 24, 2020
Our guest today is Dr Jane Frommer. Dr Jane is a pioneer in the molecular underpinnings of nanotechnology, Dr. Jane blends her time as an advisor and editor in scientific research, technology and outreach.
Nov 17, 2020
Aeronautics engineer Anthony Hazlett is on the podcast to take us inside the mind of an engineer. Anthony was part of a design team working on a flying car, and that his job was to try to break the flying car. He explains why it is important for engineers to try to break their inventions before they release them to...
Nov 10, 2020
Today we return to one of our favorite places to explore, the Ocean. Our guest is Dr Mark Patterson, oceanographer and robotics engineer. He tells us all about his swimming robot that he calls Fetch.
Nov 3, 2020
Oceanographer Diana Fontaine is on the podcast to help us understand how we can study tiny organisms in an ecosystem as vast as the ocean. The organisms we are talking about are plankton, tiny creatures that are responsible for creating at least half of the World's oxygen!